Thursday, April 09, 2009

Questions You Find You Are Asking Yourself on April 9th

Now that the Los Angeles Times has written about Glass Beach, how can I go there?

Wait, how can I not go there?

And what is it I like so much about sea glass, anyway?

Now that everyone else is growing a beard, should I just shave mine off?

Why can't I find that Lisa Germano album on vinyl anywhere?

I'm not going to have waves of wrinkled skin on my back when I'm old, am I?

Am I!?

What's with this inability to get back to work on the book, let alone this blog?

Do I need another snack?

Should I go get more water?

Does the full moon really have any effect on me?

Should I be thankful so many musicians I like aren't popular, even if it means they can barely feed themselves?

When will the lambs stop screaming?

Have you ever watched animals make love, Frank?

When can I have a yard to grow vegetables in?

Do I rent the house in July or save for the trip in September?

When can I have a drink?


Lesley said...

Why can't I stop clapping?

Rick Andreoli said...

Drink now. I have a feeling it will help solve everything else.

Unknown said...

Only you would be looking for Lisa Germono on vinyl. How I love your Mikelness.

Barbie said...

No one else has commented on the Body of Evidence quote? C'mon people!
PS - You would be jealous of the sea glass I found on St John!

Mikel said...

Perhaps some sea glass is my Virgin Islands present...? ;) And really, can you believe no one said anything about that Madonna line?