I figured it might be fun, given my youth spent doing gymnastics and some time in dance classes in college. But I was, frankly, not prepared to become quasi-addicted to it. Make no mistake, this is a workout (Aloysia is also a Pilates instructor), and as I've learned more about flexibility, poise, strength, and aerial choreography, I find myself simply wanting to know more.
Most people I know are not surprised I like to hang upside-down from a bar, but I don't think many know yet what it all looks like. Hence, Rick so nicely loaned his camera to a fellow classmate with the following results:
First off, we do not only learn tricks on trapeze. There's also "the tissue"/"the fabric"--a mass of red silk that'll burn you big time if you slide down it the wrong way. I'd never been able to climb anything, so this a learning curve for me:
First up, learning how to do a knee climb:
So, um, yeah... grabbing the fabric and pulling your legs up to straddle it as you flip into a pike position

Then hooking a leg onto the tissue to "lock" you into place.

The idea is that this leg locks you there so you can drop the other and then reach up to gain a hold on the next part of the tissue, drop your legs, and swing into another straddle and knee lock:

Easier said than done. I nearly fell off at one point:

But let's not linger over that. Let's talk about learning how to flip to standing and back to sitting on the trapeze. I only have pics from the low trapeze since Rick was in front of me in rotation, so he was climbing whenever I was on the high trapeze. No matter, you get the idea:
Start sitting:

Pull yourself up and over backward in a straight-leg pike (it's all about the abs, my friends):

Find the trapeze with your toes (hopefully the bar is not swinging too much) and then slowly stand up straight after:

Once standing, then you get to lean forward, straight-armed and (ideally) slowly re-pike, turning forward, and ending up sitting on the bar again:

Of course, this being all about pushing yourself, I was told to try doing walkovers forward and backward instead of piking, which makes for prettier pictures, I think, but it's much harder:

There will be more to come in the next few months, trust me. Once I learn how to connect a Mermaid to a Gazelle to a Gazelle Angel to an Arabesque, Chelsea, Iron Cross, and Russian Roll (not in that order), me and my newly acquired Capezio leggings will, along with others, be doing an exhibition here in L.A. Stay tuned.
Can't wait for video, and more sparkle!
You'll always be my flaming gazelle and now it's a trapeze move!
To be clear, Mikel is AMAZING. He's now in the intermediate class because he's picked everything up so quickly.
And he bought tights. I'm in love.
This reminds me of that episode of Sex and the City from the 5th season where Carrie Bradshaw tries the trapeze.
I am way beyond impressed. I took one traditional trapeze class and, hard as that was, it didn't take anywhere near the strength it looks like you put to work with the stuff you're doing. Fanfreakintastic.
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