First up: A trip down memory lane... or Sandy Boulevard, at least, home to the Hollywood Theater, where I worked in a variety of jobs from ages 15-17, including as a projectionist, where I ruined such films as "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" and "The Land Before Time":

The obligatory Mt. Hood shot (by Ryan, who snickered every time someone said "Mt. Hood"). When it's clear, the view of the mountain from so many parts of the city is really breathtaking. I'd forgotten that...

The obligatory Mt. St. Helens shot, done in a not-so-obligatory way. You can get better shots of the slumbering volcano but Ryan opted to take this from Forest Park northwest of downtown, looking out over the industrial part of the city:

The third "mount" image, this time, part of Mt. Tabor park--an extinct volcano in the middle of the city. Also scene of numerous days and nights for me in high school, sometimes sober, sometimes not (again by Ryan):

Mt. Tabor graffiti that makes no sense and yet made me laugh anyway:

I'd forgotten the dappled effect of sun through the giant fir trees. I know I've been in California too long when these trees seem so awe-inspiring. The nice thing is that they kept the sun off us in the near 100 degree heat...

Of course, Portland is not all natural beauty and sun filtering through trees. In fact, it's not even always about good food. Then again, there could be good food here. We didn't find out (and I couldn't believe it was still there):

But the real fun was seeing everyone I hadn't seen in a while, including (in order here): Jill, Susan, and Kathleen, with whom we both look shiny and hot, since it was 100 degrees and we'd had beer...

And, of course, Ryan... who so graciously posed next to this tavern in (as we like to say) "Deep Southeast"...not far from the estate sale that had room after room of clown art in it:

But I wouldn't want you to think that Portland is all about clown art, bad diners, and worse taverns. What would The New York Times write about if that was true? So, here, here's some more prettiness to cap it off:

Own up. You wrote that snail thing. Who ELSE says "Slowly...slowly..."?????
What exactly happens at Nancy's Eat and Browse? What are you browsing, the menu?!?
according to Ryan, who ducked in to, um, browse, the only thing to browse was about 50 different kinds of lottery scratch tickets.
This makes me miss Portland! At some point we should try to coordinate trips there at the same time. I think the four of us would tear up the town.
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