If you want to sear your eyeballs feel free at:

But after reading the most recent post on the message board, I feel a whole lot better about myself. It's kind of mean, and yet it's true. Someone had the time, energy, and thought power to put behind this. And to answer this guy's (I am assuming of course this is a guy) question: Yeah, things changed. Why? BECAUSE IT'S 2007, for one. Secondly, #5 IS NOT ALIVE. And lastly, Steve Guttenberg and Ally Sheedy are no longer stars.
This has been your Hollywood update, now enjoy the musings of a movie-robot lover:
"Do you remember last year when there would be people regularly posting on here?
It seems that in the past 12 months, the whole forum has died.
Apart from the few new members who make no more than 10 posts, there's not much happening.
Even with the rumors of a Short Circuit remake being made, no one seems to really care.
If i'm being quite honest, I have gone off of short circuit a bit. I used to check back here every day, but thats changed to about once every two weeks.
All the members that were around last year seem like they hae left.
I know that theres only so much you can say about something that pretty much ended in the 80s (apart from the fans) but it doesn't seem like it did last year.
we were all excited about the website update and the 20th anniversary of Short Circuit.
Seriously guys, what has happened?
Am I wrong or has things changed."
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