Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I Think I'm Gonna Be Sick

...oh, wait, I am! AGAIN.


Woke up today with a massive head cold. First that crazy fever. Now this. It's almost resurrecting my hypochondriac sensibility, which had taken me 20 years to shake.

Of course, I could just be sick because I got the Hilary Duff CD sent to me in the mail with this press release (excerpts below):

"Dignity isn't for sale. It comes from within. Hilary Duff has always carried herself with dignity, from her 2001 TV debut starring in "Lizzy Maguire," through big screen hits like "Cinderella Story" and "Cheaper by The Dozen" ...

At 19, Hilary has matured into a sophisticated singer and songwriter. Hilary has co-written all the songs on "Dignity", [misuse of comma is in the release] always aiming high and ultimately creating an album of depth and consequence...

Her music--and upcoming tour--remain front and center these days. And that's just how she wants it. Hilary Duff has always connected closely with her audience. Now, she's saying more--much more than ever, and with dignity--with her music."

I mean, that last sentence alone... jesus christ. Where do I start? Where's the bucket to keep next to my bed?

And yet, Hilary's smug--albeit DIGNIFIED--face is staring at me from my desktop and I feel like I did something to deserve this. Maybe it's penance and I need to find out what I did wrong.

There's little else to tell, really. The end of the month means mania at work, which was reflected in the weather today, as winds raged and hail came down and I tripped over tree branches..briefly interrupted to stare at some cute guy working on the roof of my office building. Oh, the weakness for my blue-collar brethren.

It's 9 p.m. and I feel like I've been up for days. Time to put Ms. Dignity into my "to sell" pile, pay some bills, and call it a night.


Anonymous said...

Great, now I'm sick after reading about Hilary Duff's Dignity. Thanks Hilary!

Anonymous said...

Surely this is a sign of the apocalypse.

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling rather self-centered today, which is why I'll just say (insert really whiny voice here) that I have a bad cold toooooooooo!

Joseph said...

I just cannot believe that Hilary Duff press release. I can't believe someone was paid to write that garbage. Come to think of it, maybe Hilary wrote it herself.